How Glenda Williamson Realty Sold Mike’s Home

“Very happy with the results. I’ve had my home on the market going on three years now. I had it originally with a different real estate group, a few different agents inside of that group. Glenda had it on, within a month actually I just had it listed with her for a month, not only did the amount of walkthroughs just spike compared to what the other real estate group got me, I had an offer within the first couple weeks which was awesome! I hadn’t had a legitimate offer in the two plus years prior. Totally blown away, within a month of switching to her, home’s closing in the first part of December. She’s been awesome to work with as far as the way the office is set up. I certainly enjoy that she’s got different people that have their own specialty versus a jack of all trades. So if I have a contract or have a question on something, it’s not her or an agent trying to guess through, the sellers have their expertise on that. That parts been great, and then just in general I’ve been really impressed, especially compared to the last group. I had been constantly bugging them trying to get any kind of information from anyone that walked through as to hey, why didn’t you make an offer. What is it about the house, how do I improve it, and it was like pulling teeth. Glenda set up, without even asking, I start getting emails with questions set up, I get the agents that reply to it and then it kind of tabulates everything where after a couple of people have walked trough I kind of get to see the ballpark of alright here’s where everyone that walked through thinks your home is priced, the condition it’s in. Without even having to ask those things are already part of the process. I’ve just been totally impressed overall.”

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